Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Under the weather

Yea, slight flu with irritable cough.

My body is screaming for R-E-S-T!!!

I have the craziest schedule and year end doesnt make it better. How did I end up being sooo busy? Absolutely no idea. I thought I could rest last weekend @ Jazz Fest. We had a Family room in Bayview Beach and the bed was just amazingly comfy...ahhh! And crazy me slept around 3-4am and waking up rather early both days. Haiz!

....but as usual being at the Fest itself is a holiday for us....could not ask for more. Getting mesmerized by the talented musicians, watching their technical skills , in awe of their deep passion for music, being with friends who share the same liking....... is definitely a good way to relax.

Sharon hearts music!
".....who can live without it, I ask in
all honesty, what would life be?
Without a song or a dance,
what are we??
So I say Thank You for the music,
for giving it to me."

I need to finish work so I can be early for Modern Class, then off for Hip Hop!

Its Dancing Tuesday!


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