Wednesday, December 03, 2008

2 Months..

...Since I last step into Kerry's Hip hop class.

Missed it soo much.

But I went last night! Happiness. And now my muscles a lil sore. LOL!

Nothing beats being in the studio to sweat it out and enjoying every moment. Stress-Free!

After class we went for a drink. Milo Peng and Kopi Peng! Halfway thru I remembered on tuesdays there's pasar malam @ Tanjung finished our drinks quickly and gatai us were happy to be on the way to a Pasar Malam....hehe. Just like lil kids.

And as we're approaching TB, it started to rain....heavy enough to need an umbrella-ella-ella-eh eh. Haih! Of all days, the one day we wanted to be there rain pulak! But that didnt stop crazy us to still find stalls that are opened. LOL!

Kerry bought asam (er, as crazy as it sounds...that was her dinner), then Keropok udang & Ubi and Kerry even bought a pair of shades. Well that was all the stalls available for us to raid. After spending like 30 mins? we drove all the way back to Green Lane. Oh and on the way I wanted to try Uncle I bought one. YUMS!

And thats all from our empty pasar malam story. Maybe next tuesday we'll be luckier? Maybe a bowl of Laksa lemak......*drool*



κ ε г r Ў ° ç said...

We MADE I TDAY!!! and bought our cute lil dwess!! yay!!!!!!

Sharon Cornelius-Xavier said...

YEAY!!! Last tuesday rain!!!

Think u would need to get for me already!