Wednesday, January 24, 2007


to Gilmore Girls.....

cheesy huh? well I was walking around Bt.Feringhi getting bored and was itching to get a Box so i resulted in getting Gilmore Girls Season 1. After watching 12 episodes....i must say it is getting more addictive.

Not a bad script. Started off pretty slow, getting all characters in place but now after the 12th, I cant wait to head home to find out what happens.....Lorelai Gilmore is being hit by Luke - the diner guy.

Why "Gilmore Girls" you ask...

This show has finished making season 6 and it airs on ntv7 or 8tv.....never on Astro (maybe it has but havent watch it) i've watched snippets on it and my sista says its pretty good. Its got good values between mother and daughter, family based show. Something different from "tree hill", "OC" and such. Sheryl bought 3 seasons of OC and also season 1 of Prison break.

Arent we serial addict?

Its pretty fun. If you have the time. I struggle so much to finish 21 episodes within a week.

I wanna watch "Ugly Betty". When is the box set coming out?

SO what else is good? Any suggestions?

1 comment:

JEremy said...

Grey's Anatomy.