Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So why in the world am I blogging at 2pm?? *Big meal for lunch (oyster noodles) * and I need to finish explaining a flowchart, so the obvious would be...I'm too darn LAZY to finish my work.

My muscles are slightly aching from the long hours of dance practice. We have a last minute performance for SGGS graduation night @ E& we've been torturing and tearing muscles.

Somebody called me today and ask for my assistance to teach this group of people to dance for an opening event. I was so reluctant...coz I've been deprived from sleep lately, my schedule's really pack, and worse... I'm almost a perfectionist(when it comes to dance *winks*). I need to have certain standards, its tough teaching those who dont have rythm and not getting the choreography. Totally drives me nuts. And if its a church event...I dont charge for my service and stress...LOL!

I was asked today why dont I open my own studio? Well it was my dream till be able to teach I would need passion (no qualms bout that) and also TechNIQUE! (which I totally suck)...I can bluff my way around for performance but for long term, wont work!

Lately i've been video-ing my dance practices and seriously been critiquing myself so much that I've been having second thoughts bout my capability to dance. Sigh! Pretty depressing I must say......

.....but then again, the sheer fact of being artistic, is being able to express from really there's no right or wrong. So why the big fuss Sharon??

The expectations I set for myself is too damn high....but I WILL achieve it someday...

Here are some pics from last nights practice.

Circular Spring

The end of song no.1

(Andrea, Christine, Sharon, Tracy & MO)

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