Monday, February 18, 2008

Lonely Journey

The road to standing up for the truth is LONELY.......extreamly.

If only people can stand up for the right thing then the brave will not be outcast. Give it a try...

There are many kinds of people:

1. People who live in their own shell and could care less if the person beside them dies.

2. People who will rush to the side of those that would benefit them better.
[ I call them bodek-kers / Kiss asses (mind my language)]

3. People who want to please EVERYBODY, not wanting to take sides, not wanting to DEFEND the truth. [ I call them 'no brainer']

4. People who see there's an issue, talk-complain talk-complain-gossip about it, get upset, and when its time to do something, they chicken out!! [ They truly deserve a SLAP]

5. People who suffers to speak the truth, to do the right thing even if it cost them, they understand that 'Action Speaks LOUDER than words'. Doing something even if it meant being called a 'trouble maker', categorized as an outcast.

If you fall into the category of No.5...I have one word to say to you..... 'R E S P E C T'. My advice, keep doing the right thing, God will reward you. Earthly rewards is nothing compared to Heavenly rewards.


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